A “cookie” is a text file that websites send to visiting computers/devices to identify the visiting computer/device. Seham Studio uses cookies to collect information about your use of our online services. Cookies help us in tracking who you are and your engagement with our website. This helps us provide you a customized shopping experience on Seham Studio. 


There are primarily three types of cookies that assist us in tracking your preferences when using the site.

Essential - These are cookies that help you stay logged in to our website and interact with us via comments. You may choose to block these cookies by changing your browser settings, so that these functions do not work for you. This will disable us from saving your information after your session expires.  

Functionality - These cookies collect information about your settings when you visit Seham Studio. For example if your currency preference is USD, the website will remember the information when you visit next time and display the prices is USD.

Performance - The information collected by these cookies help us measure how often you visit our site and how you use it. For example, we collect information about which brands or products are checked by you on a regular basis. We may also use third-party cookies for assistance here, for example, the google analytics cookie gives us information about when you added something in the cart and if you didn’t proceed for a transaction after adding products to your cart.


Depending on the browser you are using to access the web, you can choose to disable cookies. Please refer to your browser’s ‘help’ section to opt out of cookies.

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